Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Sociological Perspectives on Alcohol Use, Problems, and Policy Essay

It is unfortunate that many another(prenominal) people within our rescript and worldwide suffers from the affects of alcohol habituation. There are many issues associated with this addiction and many times its not only the victim that deals with the addiction unless also the people in close association with the individual. Alcohol addiction can afflict anyone and knows no limits of its damage that it can do to a persons life or the people in their lives. roughly importantly are the ones whom seek help for their addiction as it becomes a lifelong healing period for them. It has become clear that constant enjoyment of alcohol leads to addiction. It has also become clearer with the laws and policies that have been drawn up to set upon drunk drivers that it is not a normal thing to do any longer as was thought to be normal in the late 60s and early 70s. This is not normal behaviour and it becomes clearer as the laws for boozing and driving is enforced by law enforcement offi cers. It is a business for addiction workers to help in the aid of these problems and its laws and policies that help in place a stop to some of the problems that arise from this addiction. This research paper allow help enable sociologists to determine what the ongoing effects have on an alcoholic and further provides information on the long-term effects that party has to deal with. The significance of alcoholism and sociology is the ability of sociologists to research and discover how man behaviour is affected on many aspects of its effects on a person. An alcoholic can be described as someone who is disposed to drinking alcoholic beverages in excess. What starts out as social drinking can lead to excessive drinking and the many problems associated with alcohol shout out and i... ...y therapy in the treatment of alcohol-related problems A review of behavioural family therapy, family systems theraphy and treatment interconnected research. Alcoholism Treatment Quarter ly, (17)3, 13-23.Latham, P.K., & Napier, T.L. (1992). Psychosocial consequences of alcohol misuse in the family of origin. The International ledger of the Addictions, 27, 1137-1158.Murray, Jane Lothian, Linden, Rick and Kendall, Diane. (2011). SOCIOLOGY IN OUR TIMES, Fifth Canadian Edition by Nelson knowledge Limited, Published by Thomson Wadsworth, USA. heart and soul Abuse and Mental Health operate Administration (Office of Applied Studies). Treatment Episode Data Set(TEDS) Highlights-2003. National Admissions to Substance Abuse Treatment Services, Rockville, MD Department of Health and Human Services, 2003.Walsh, F. (1998). modify family resilience. New York Guilford.

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